Contact Information

I don't intend to debate the subject of this page, I have done so in newsgroups and message boards, and prefer to keep it there. Do not email me if your message is along these lines: Or if they contain any of the following phrases: Or if you are: If your message fits any of the above criteria, it will be deleted; or, if the message is too imbecilic, replied to beligerantly. If your message contains only the above criteria, it will be deleted, and your address will be blocked. If you try to flood the address, the messages will be deleted, and your address will be blocked.

Serious suggestions, lacking a hostile theme, and lacking any the above, are welcome.
As are anti-Hanson propaganda images and caricatures, anti-Hanson fiction, anti-Hanson URLs, and reports of signs of their ever-dwindling popularity.

Err - 1998