- 12/23/98
- New image added to
Mutilated Images, for a
whopping two images! This
Updates page added.
- 12/24/98
- Added a page for Animated
Images, along with a brand new animated image.
Added a page to highlight Forums/Newsgroups.
- 1/18/99
- Added new feature: MAD
Mag, with two pertinent things of interest,
including a recent MAD Magazine article in its
- 3/14/99
- Added two new links, which may be found here.
- Added three new Profiles and Sketches to the Unflattering Caricatures Section.
- Added two new Banners to the Propaganda Images Section.
- 3/27/99
- Added Letters to Hanson
to the MAD Magazine collection.
- 8/1/99
- Added link to main page.
- Updated page style. The old frames were a source of shame for me... But, I use pure HTML: It's supercarpaltunnelicious!
- Consolidated various articles into a single section.
- 11/9/99
- Added a new section hilighting some dim bulbs called "The Pious."
- 11/20/99
- Added new links to the Articles page.